Rapid Blood Collection (RBC)

Many individuals dread getting their bloodwork taken and tend to get their bloodwork done regularly. The Rapid Blood Collection package is a customizable subscription box that provides a simple, painless, and easy-to-learn way for people to take their blood and send it back to the lab.

The package includes an alcohol pad, the HemaCollect device, a bandage, and a pre-paid return box. Once the kit is used, and the HemaCollect device is shipped, the individual keeps the box and refills the items once the next shipment is mailed in a mailer bag. The package also includes an infographic pamphlet that provides an easy learning experience for each individual.

The package’s abstract design creates a fun and friendly feeling that resembles the idea of blood cells and getting your bloodwork taken while portraying it in a less disturbing or fearful way.


RunIt App


Minerva Surgical Inc.